2025 Rising Hell懶人包,推薦清單整理


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讓你腎上腺素迸發的爽快動作和重金屬音樂!《殺戮之源(Rising Hell)》是一個垂直地圖的平臺動作rogue-lite遊戲,撕碎嗜血魔物,衝破變幻莫測的地獄!

Rising Hell

Rising HellRising Hell is a vertical platformer rogue-lite filled with adrenaline-pumping action and tons of heavy gothic metal shreds. Climb out from the ...

Rising Hell Demo (簡體中文, 韓文, 英文, 繁體中文, 日文)

《Rising Hell》是一款結合令人血脈賁張的刺激操作,以及大量歌德重金屬樂曲的縱向捲軸Roguelite動作遊戲。面對排山倒海而來的嗜血惡魔,玩家必須不斷向上攀爬,試圖逃 ...

杀戮之源 Rising Hell

《殺戮之源(Rising Hell)》是一個垂直地圖的平臺動作rogue-lite遊戲,撕碎嗜血魔物,衝破變幻莫測的地獄! 所有評論: 極度好評 (204) - 204 篇使用者評論中有89% 給予此遊戲好評。

Rising Hell on Steam

Fight your way through hordes of blood-lusting demons and escape hell as you unlock new characters and talents to create chaos in the randomly generated and ...

Rising Hell

Rising Hell places you in the shackles of Arok, a sinner with a mysterious power to kill demons. Fight your way through the horde of Belial and escape hell as ...

購買Rising Hell

Rising Hell is a vertical platformer rogue-lite filled with adrenaline-pumping action and tons of heavy gothic metal shreds.